Bill Gates

Wealth: 57.0 billion

Rank: 1

Age: 52



Paul Allen

Wealth: 16.0

Rank: 12

Age: 55




Steve Wozniac



Age: 54


Steve Jobs

Wealth: 5.7

Rank: 61

Age: 53



Steve Ballmer

Wealth: 15.0

Rank: 15

Age: 52




Bill Gates’ money.

-if he were to stack up his money it’d be 38.9 miles high

-he made 276 283.839 an hour

-Bill Gates earns about $250 every second

-Every Year he makes about $7.8 billion

-Every day he makes about $20 million

-was born on October 28, 1955

The question was about his views towards the movie TNT and he said he liked it a lot because there wasn’t many movies like it.

The question was basically if it was true that radio shack had to do anything with Apple or IBM